How to extract text

Hello Team we have this text if it exist in this format as below

Description of Change
05.05.2023 Ankit Jain/ X X-X

No Action to take. Please do not deploy the changes. This for testing purpose.

Two projects -
1) Project Name - Ank_Test
Deployer Name - newDeployment

2) Project Name - IAnk_Test1
Deployer Name - newDeployment1

Description of Change
27.04.2023 Ankit Jain/ X X-X

Output to extract the project and deployer name

Project Name |Deployer Name
Ank_Test |newDeployment
IAnk_Test1 |newDeployment1


You can get the those data in regex and then add them to a datatable

Try with this regex for Project Name

System.text.regularExpressions.regex.Matches(InputString,"(?<=Project Name\s- ).*")

If you loop this expression in for each you will get all the matched value

For Deployer name

System.text.regularExpressions.regex.Matches(InputString,"(?<=Deployer Name\s- ).*")

If you loop this expression in for each you will get all the matched value
