How to extract table from a web page without using Data scraping!

I need to extract table from web page and copy to excel.
Please tell me flow/order of sequences need to use.

Hello @Shankar_MasRobo
Refer to this thread, It may help you.

Hi @Shankar_MasRobo

  1. Use Application/Browser activity and specify the URL.
  2. Use Table Extraction Data to extract the table from webpage.
  3. Use write Range Workbook to write the datatable to excel.

Note: Attached the workflow and output excel for reference.
Sequence10.xaml (16.6 KB)
Output.xlsx (9.1 KB)

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Shankar_MasRobo

Try this

Hope it helps!!

Thank you for your prompt response, I Would like to extract by using HTML or HTML Activities way, not Scraping methods.

Hey @Shankar_MasRobo ,
Have you tried with the “find children” activity?
