How to extract specific value to use data manipulation in uipath?

Hi Everyone,

I want to extract only “Vikram Rathod” from the expression - “Vikram#<32>#Vishal#<34>#Rathod”.

To get this I have used substring function like this-
firstly, used an assign activity and assign the value like this-

  1. InputVar= “Vikram#<32>#Vishal#<34>#Rathod”

  2. StartIndx= InputVar.IndexOf(“Vikram”)

  3. EndIndx= Inputvar.IndexOf(“#Rathod”)

  4. Extractedvar= InputVar.Substring( StartIdx, EndIdx-StartIdx+ “Rathod”.Length)

if i use this expression then i get the whole value like- Vikram#<32>#Vishal#<34>#Rathod, what am I doing wrong?

please help me to get this.

Thank you!

Welcome to the forum

Please help us on the understanding of the case

When using the hardcoded values (Vikram, Rathod) for the IndexOf, then you can already us the strings directly.

When the request is about a generic approach we can use e.g. Regex or

Hi @ppr,

thank you for the correct solution.

Happy Automation !


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