How to extract a string using regular expression

When we have this string how do we extract the following. I tried to use previous examples and reuse the same expressions but I cant get it right. I wanted to extract the following strings without using hardcoding

2. 40874

So far I can extract only 04042020


if its a folder give try on surrounding some patterns with

for a file extract at first the filename with the help of Path… and it adequate method e.g. get filenamewithout extension etc.

just give us a full string and we can test our ideas

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This expression (?<=\d{0})\d+(?=)
can extract 04042020 without any hard coding. I am trying to find a similar expression for 40874 and RachelGreen

Remember the solution you provided, it works on the same file name. I am trying to create similar expressions

please share full string. this allows us to better validate our ideas. thanks

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Thanks I am sorted. I used this to remove the extensions from the file and only get the file name.
Filename= path.getfilename(item.tostring).split("."c)(0)

I used this to remove the file extensions and the expressions worked

Filename= path.getfilename(item.tostring).split("."c)(0)

have a look on this method as you can shorten the statement

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