How to execute Update query in Access DB?

Can you please help me how to execute an Action query in Access DB?
I have an action query created in Access DB named “zqryStatusUpdate”, and I would like to execute it

What is the proper way to do this?

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Welcome to UiPath community !

Check this…

Thank you


Thank you! Unfortunately I am not able to see the detail from the example you shared (error: this activity is either missing or could not be loaded properly).

Can you please check if I’m doing this right?
I have an update query in my Access Database called “zqryStatusUpdate”.
So in UiPath, I first connect to my Access Database, and then use Execute Non Query activity.
In the Input sql, I put “EXEC [zqryStatusUpdate]”

I didn’t see any error, but want to make sure the statement I use is appropriate.