I have not found Execute query,and Execute non query activity in uipath studio version 2022.10.3 i have import package uipath.database.activies package.Insted of execute query and execute non query i found activities like run command and run query activities.
can anybody help me out how can i use this activities and what is difference between them.
You can find only this activities in the updated version. Name has been changed only all the things are same
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yes can you tell me difference like execute query is used for select and execute non query used for insert,udate,delete like wise how i can use run command and run query.
Executes a SQL statement on a database, For Update, Insert delete statement we can use Run command activity
Run Query will returns the query result in a DataTable
ok i will try and use it
Okay @Sandhya_Gajare
If you don’t have any query kindly close this topic by mark as solved
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