How to exchange excel data columns to rows with out using data table (i.e Transpose)?

thanks in advance.

@Venkatesh_Chowdary, Refer this,

Dominic :slight_smile:

Hi Dominic,
I am trying to transpose the input datatable and add a new “Date” column. I would like to run this script everyday once and append data after each run. Kindly request you to help me with this

My input data table is of the below format

C1 1 2 3
C2 4 5 6
C3 7 8 9
C4 10 11 12

Expected Output

Date C1 C2 C3 C4
Day1 of Robot run date 1 4 7 10
Day1 of Robot run date 2 5 8 11
Day1 of Robot run date 3 6 9 12
Day2 of Robot run date 1 4 7 10
Day2 of Robot run date 2 5 8 11
Day2 of Robot run date 3 6 9 12

manage package and download following package:

and done

Dear damonyl
How to use inputs for this activity?

Here’s my example: