How to enable error popup?

When I saw some tutorial videos, if an error occurs, UiPath will popup an error message box similar to the one below (including error message and exception type).

But my studio only display the error message in the output panel (not including exception type), how do I enable the popup?

HI @111145

Can you share the screenshot from your studio?


It could be the case of difference classic design vs. modern design.

Let us know some more details on your project settings and modellings. Thanks

Hello @111145
If you run the process within try catch it will not throw an error as pop, it just writes the exception in the output message which catch the error and write its as a log message.
Note: in catch, we need to provide a log message as exception.message

For example, I am watching a tutorial about exception handing, the tutorial show this error message box:
but mine only show the same message in the output panel like this:


Are you using a try catch?

If yes remove it and run the process do not debug…


I found I clicked Debug not Run, no matter I did not see the same popup as the tutorial. The popup is showing now. Thanks!

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