How to delete a row from data table

I have to delete a row that contains a particular string variable from a data table. string variable is input from user and I need to delete a row which contains this string variable value.


string value will be a full name… single variable is enough for a full name???

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Hope the following helps you.


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1 - Read Range
2 - Create a ArrayofDatarow = outDataTable.Select(“[YourColumnName]=‘yourrowvalue’”)
3 - For each loop (System.Data.DataRow) and inside loop use Remove DataRow
Cheers @rifnanahasRemoveSingleRow.xaml (7.5 KB) here is a a sample which might help you

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Can you check if TypeArgument of For Each is not object but System.Data.DataColumn?


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"[Column1] = ’ “+StrVAr+” ’ "

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it’s working fine for me here

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what is you EmployeeCopyDT variable type
and EmployeeList Variable Type

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both are data tables

Did you check my workflow? @rifnanahas

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okay if you are approaching that way datatableVar=datatableVar.Select(“[Column1]='”+StrVAr+"').CopyToDataTable
and use DatatableVar in writeRange

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Now my error has gone. But that particular row is not deleting
sample.xaml (15.4 KB)

try nowsample.xaml (16.3 KB)
Before Trying remove that Remove Data row Activity

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row is not getting deleted

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give your excel and tell which row has to delete

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here you go with a sample
hope its resolved (16.3 KB)

Cheers @rifnanahas

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here I want to delete the row with Employee xxx. But it shouldn’t be harcoded. xxx should be stored as a string variable .EmployeeList.xls.xlsx (8.8 KB)

New (12.8 KB)

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Thank you

sorry i didnt get you!

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