I am searching for a job on a website by iterating one by one through the data table.
After extracting the required data, I click on the button “View Next Job” and the next job appears.
Is there a way that I can define the Number of times I can click on the “View Next Job” button?
And after that defined Number of Clicks, it will again search with the new job from the data table.
Yes, I am using For Loop to iterate through data table
Can you please Elaborate, I didn’t get it.
how to set this conditon on Click activity ?
Because after clicking on "Next view Job " I have to perform all the data extraction steps again and only after I clicked the button “X” number of times, the loop should move to the next row of the data table
For Each loop requires a list / array variables loop to start
You can try as Do-While loop :
For that declare a variable as Index of type Int32 variable
Now drag the Do-While loop, write condition as Index <> 10
Inside the Do-While loop drag your click activity and next to that place Assign activity as Index = Index + 1
This will loop until 10
Next is Retry scope
You can just give 10 time and it will retry for 10 time