How to create new excel file in specific location?

Hi There,

I want to create new excel file in specific give location.

Example : "Excel Name_08/02/2023 18:55.xlsx

How to achieve this ?

Hi @Muralikrishna_Surve ,

Try using Write Range Workbook Activity by specifying the location of the file and also the Sheet name of your choice with the value as new Datatable().

Let us know if it does not work.


Another Method @Muralikrishna_Surve is same as @supermanPunch suggested but with excel activities

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And for the file name you can use this expression @Muralikrishna_Surve


You cant create a file name with the / in it so use - or _ in Filename



Use write range activity & under file details use this
Excel Name _dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm.xlsx

You will achieve your requirement


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