How to create a loop but change a single activity in the loop?

I just started working with UI path for about four days now, I am currently working on uploading documents onto a web application. Unfortunately the documents can only be uploaded one by one. For this I want to keep the activities that lead up to uploading the documents, but can’t seem to find a way to change the document during each loop and would kindly ask for some assistance with this.
Thank you


Follow this thread for possible solution.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thank you for this, but for some reason my tool does not have Directory.Get Files or even the Assign activity and for that I do not know how I can work around this.

@ivana.go, this is UiPath studio logic

Ah alright, within my company we only have UiPath StudioX not Studio. Is there still a way I could be capable of doing what I need to do?


You can use For Each File in Folder to iterate through all the files one by one.

Ashok :slight_smile:

You can try to read the files in the folder > for each file get the file > upload the file the web app.

Hey there, I am still stuck. I had tried using the For Each File in Folder but can’t seem to get it to work. For context, the documents I would like to upload are CSV excel files and the uploading page goes to the Desktop (files) application from the private web application.