How to create a custom activity?

Hello guys,

I’m trying to create a custom activity and i have a doubt in how can i do something like this?


I want that when someone type something there saves in a variable, and it needs to be optional.
But i have no ideia where to start.



Can you be more clear


I’ll try to explain: I want to add another parameter, so that the user who is going to use the library can add a parameter for identification, but I have no idea how to add the input that they can type.
Please let me know if you understand.


hi @joaovictor ,

You can add parameters to your activity by adding a new property you can mark the property to be required or not. this property will be your user input you can also define the type of the property like string, integer etc.


After creating the properties and activities you can write your logic in the created code file it would be present under the activities folder


Also refer this documentation

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