How to create a bot?

Hi gius,

I am trying to create a little bot on studio to get the information below. What do you think it could be the most efficient way?

Thank you in advance

Open HL website
• Open index FTSE 100
• Get constituents
• Filter the ones that have the price above 1000

For each value extracted above, get the value from Yahoo Finance

•This step can run in more than one robot

•Chrome for HL website
•IE for Yahoo Finance
•Framework: Enhanced RE Framework

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Hey @Frederico_Barreto

First bot will pick all the items from the HL website (Either a separate process or within the same process init state) & upload it to a queue.

A performer bot or the same bot in Get Tx & Process will do the scrapping for each queue item from yahoo finance.

Hope this helps.


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Hey @Nithinkrishna ,

Thank for your input. Very helpful :).


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