How to copy the specific columns data into another Excel with specific columns using uipath

Hi Team,

I have 2 excel (A & B )with bulk data. Here my task is I want write specific columns data into another Excel with specific column.

For example: I am having multiple headers like account number, customer name,format, vendor and Client name in vendor etc .
My output will be like this format
A - Account number
B -Format
C- Client name in vendor
D- Vendor
E- Customer name
Attaching the screenshot for your reference.
Input excel columns are like this below .

Output excel will be like below
Columns with data I need to copy the specific columns.

Thanks in advance.
Please help me to solve the problem.


Hi @Baby123

Read the first excel data using the Read Range activity & save the data in a data table variable ‘yourDt’.

Then, filter out the columns that you want & keep them in an order using the following expression:

yourDt.DefaultView.ToTable(False,”Account Number”, “Format”, “Client name in vendor”, “Vendor”, “Customer Name”)

This will just keep your data table’s data as per the columns specifed & in the same order.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.