How to copy table from web page

Hay, I have one question, I’m wondering how can I copy table from web page into word. I tried with web recording–>Scrape Data, but it isn’t work. Please help. Table is not always the some. I mean it is but numbers are different but the text data are always the some.

Buddy @Tinkerbell
You can use Data scrapping to get the structured data (table) from the web page and the output will be of type datatable …doesn’t matter buddy whether the table s same or not either with text or number
you can scrape any how…just we need to change the dynamic part of selector with wildcard buddy
Cheers @Tinkerbell

were you able to scrape now buddy @Tinkerbell

Where I can change a selector?

@Tinkerbell - You just replace your Dynamic selector to wildcard. that will always recognize your selector for data scrapping activity.

To Change selector just use Open in UI Explorer button and replace with wildcards.

Buddy replace aaname attribute value with * and try buddy
remove parentid attribute by just unchecking that attribute here buddy @Tinkerbell image

you can edit here buddy @Tinkerbell

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I just enabled parentid, but the name is always the some. Is that alright?

if name is same no worries buddy you can go ahead
Try and let know buddy @Tinkerbell

For now is working, ty very much buddy :slight_smile:


fantastic buddy
cheers @Tinkerbell
kindly mark the right comment with solution buddy @Tinkerbell