How to convert string variable to Icollection<,String>

I need to assign file path of string type to icollection<,string>
this path should be passed to icollection<,string> to send files in webex scope
Please anyone help?

You can use Add to Collection/Append items to Collection activity to add items in your desired icollection variable.

Hi @vnsatyasunil

You need to create a list or collection variable, the append the items throught the append items to collection


Hi @vnsatyasunil

filePathString is of string type
filePaths is of collections type
use the filePaths variable within the WebEx scope


Hope it helps!!

In add to collection activity what is item in properties?

Hi @vnsatyasunil

Use the Variable filepaths in add to collection activity.

Hope it helps!!

used file paths variable in collection field. But in item field what should be given item was not supplied error showing

Hi @vnsatyasunil

Have to give values you to need to append or add to the list

Hope it helps!!

that excel file path need to be added so I given file path but throwing error in webex scope


Already added the string item to the list while initializing itself.

Hope it helps!!

here I am getting path. But after I need to pass that path in send group message activity in webex teams scope. Throwing error like this

Please help if you have idea how to pass path in this activity?