I will check. I have used Group by aggregation activity for grouping the column and sum the quantity. Input of that activity is INT type only. Means input column should be in int type. When i change the column as a string it throws error like Input was not in proper format.
@Kalees9486 Can you send us your Xaml File ?
Because you can’t convert a string value like “Hello” to int because of that you are getting error.
If your string value is like “123” or “50” then you can convert it to int.
Yes, I Can’t convert string to int.
I have attached Group By aggregation activity FYR. Aggregate Column should be in int, but our datatable column is in String.
This is client VDI .So i am not able to send that xaml file.
@Kalees9486 I guess you need to put Group By Columns Value as Inv_Datatable_LineItem.Columns(5).ColumnName.toString
It throws an error; So the Column Name variable should be in String but the column should be in Int.
@Kalees9486 Please Remove the First row values in Build Datatable Activity
It’s working. But i need that header also.i have used append range activity instead of write range. So i am not able to add headers to this activity.any other way to add customized headers to the excel.
Can you Explain The process bit more Detail as to what you are doing? or can you send the Screenshot of the Workflow, so w e can understand from your point of view
Hi @Kalees9486
In Build data table, Change Inv_Qty to string.
Later just Assign to a integer variable as Var1=Cint(Inv_Qty)
This will work.
This will work for assigning Int Quantity value to String Datatable.But Meanwhile, i have to retrieve the same column as int for aggregating column activity.
The Process is; Extracts the invoice details and write it into an excel file, then based on the extracted file and headers the reconciliation process has to be happening. So if the headers are varied from current name it throws error.
@Kalees9486 Can you list the Headers here what you are going to name in Build Datatable Activity?
As i said in a previous conversation
@Kalees9486 The Headers are not Properly visible
I have attached build datatable screenshot for better clarification.
@Kalees9486 Wait, Can you tell me Why are you using Append Range instead of write range?
I want to append the invoice details in the same excel. When i use Write range activity, the invoice details are overwritten instead of this i am using append range activity.
@Kalees9486 So I’m Guessing there is a Loop Involved, In that case, for the First Iteration , move to Write range and then rest all iterations move to Append Range using an if condition