How to convert datatable to text file by adding individual lines on the page separated by one or two “& vbcrlf &” for line spaces

Hi All,

I need to create text file and add the datatable values into it by adding individual lines on the page separated by one or two “& vbcrlf &” for line spaces.

Please find below format

Input Datatable :
ID Name company name
1 abc xyz

Output text file: (which is required)

ID 1
Name abc
Company name xyz

Can you please on the same.


Assign Activity
strFlat | String =

(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
Let rs = d.ItemArray.Select(Function (x,i) String.Format("{0} {1}", d.Table.Columns(i).ColumnName, x.ToString))
From c In rs
Select v=c).Aggregate(Function (x,y) String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", x, vbCrLf, y))


For sure we can also model with essential activities

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Hey @Nancy29
you can also try this:

columnHeaders = dtExample.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn)().[Select](Function(col) col.ColumnName & " ").ToList()

columnData = dtExample.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn)().[Select](Function(col) columnHeaders(dtExample.Columns.IndexOf(col)) & String.Join(" ", dtExample.AsEnumerable().[Select](Function(row) row(col).ToString()))).ToList()


working workflow you can find here: (2.9 KB)

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Hi @Nancy29

→ Build Data Table
Output= dt_Input
→ Use the below query in Assign activity:

Output= String.Join(vbCrLf + vbCrLf,
        Function(row) $"ID: {row.Field(Of String)("ID")}" + vbCrLf +
                      $"Name: {row.Field(Of String)("Name")}" + vbCrLf +
                      $"Company Name: {row.Field(Of String)("Company Name")}"

Output is of DataType System.String
→ Use Write Text File activity to write the output to text file.

Text file Output:


Sequence16.xaml (10.6 KB)

Hope it helps!!

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Thank you everyone. Will check and work with above methods.

It will definitely help!!


Hi @Nancy29

If you find the solution for the query after working it out, please mark the post as the solution to close the loop.

Happy Automation!

Thanks All.

It worked for me!


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