How to contain from dataTable from string?

please i need help,
i have any data table from excel, i need to contain - if the words
from the data table is contain in application ant then - if the word is contain i need
put V on the checkbox,
how can i do that?


I’m not clear with your comments. Please elaborate your question.

thank you for your replay,
I have a data table with a words that I saved before - then I have to go to anther application that has a number of check boxes withe words, check line by line if it contains the words found in the dataTable and contains, if in the same line we find the words in the dataTable, mark V in the check box Like the Img i post.


Hello @Matan_Bohbot

You can use the Output datatable activity to convert datatable to string.

Then you can use it .contains method to check whether string present in it or not.

Yourstring.contains(“value. to check”)


Hi There,
As you already have data in data table say dt1, scrape the data from the application to a data table ( as it is structured data ) and save it to another data table say dt2.
Now get the row count of dt1 using dt1.Rows.Count.
Get Column count using dt1.Columns.Count.
Create 4 int32 variables say i1, i2, j1, j2 where i1, i2 are used as row increments for dt1, dt2 respectively and j1, j2 are for columns similarly.

Write a condition to check value from row 1 column 1 in dt1 matches with row 1 column 1 in dt2
say (dt1)(i1)(j1).Tostring).equals ((dt2)(i2)(j2).Tostring)
and put it in a while loop which runs till row count of dt1 is reached.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: