I have a jdbc connection string for oracle database. Please any one help me with the steps how to connect to database and get a datatable.
Thank you
I have a jdbc connection string for oracle database. Please any one help me with the steps how to connect to database and get a datatable.
Thank you
Please check the database package:
Hi Correa,
I have a jdbc string don’t know hoe to connect. Please help me if you anything how to connect using jdbc string.
Thank you
Do you have experience as a developer using oracle connections? Did you install the drivers yet (32 bits)?
No I don’t have experience using oracle connections.
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description= (ADDRESS_LIST= (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=aix207.dco.com)(port=15)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=aix206.dco.com)(port=15)) ) (connect_data=(service_name=opdb.WORLD)) )
this is my string
after you configure your driver in the machine you use UiPath, your connection will be available in Connect activity. You will need help from your IT to do this.
hi, may I know which driver should I install in the windows instance? By any chance can you share the download link for the driver?
I have the JDBC connections parameters, but not sure how exactly I can connect via UiPath. Do I have to use ODBC and create a system dsn ?