How to Connect Studio to Bitbucket?

Issues linking UiPath to Git (BitBucket)

Connecting using a free Bitbucket account requires only an SSH key and connection.

  1. Setup an SSH Key as described here

ssh-keygen from CMD

  1. Add the SSH key to Bitbucket under Personal settings SSH Key (if logged in use the URL;


  1. Open Studio
  2. Open a project
  3. Go to Team - if connected to any git disconnect
  4. GIT Init


  1. Select your local folder where the studio project resides


  1. Add a Commit Message


  1. Click Commit
  2. Make a change in the workflow
  3. Go to main and click Push (bottom right)


  1. Manage remote


  • add a new remote name
  • add the repo URL (go to the BitBucket repository - clone - select SSH and copy the URL after the git clone)


  1. Click Add
  2. Click Save
  3. Click pull (rebase)
  4. Add the SSH key path (to the publ file)
  5. Add the SSH key password (if any/if not leave it blank)
  6. Click Save

None of the images are rendering for me. Do you by any chance have a tutorial video of these instructions?