How to Compare Two Datatables

Hello All,

I want to compare two Data tables and the data which is not common in two Datables i want in a separate Datatable so I used ‘Except’ method, which is working very fine if i try using it separately but when i am using it in my Project its giving me all the existing data instead of giving uncommon data between two datatables.Here is the below code i used


Please let me know if theres any mistkae in the code or what could be the resson for failing in my project code but not in a seperate code

try this
Syntax1 : DT1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) DT2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(y) x(0).ToString.Equals(y(0).ToString) )).CopyToDataTable

syntax2: DT1.asenumerable.where(function (x,i) x(“Common Column Name”).tostring.equals(DT2(i)(“Common Column Name”).tostring) ).copytodatatable


here we need to specify on how common is defined

  • All Colummns to check
  • A columnset to check
  • A single column to check

Based on the definition we can go ahead for the solution approach suggestion

I possible share with us some sample data and expected output


if the datatype of the columns are different in two tables then it might give they are different

at that time instead of except better to use where



Thanks for responding. I want the data which is not similar. If we compare the data from the Datable which used for examples, I want Nikhil from DT1 and Sai from Dt2

Hope the below screenshot help you in understanding the scenario


Use the below syntax

Syntax :

Will later in Production really only 1 Column be involved for the check?

  • Join DataTable activity and postprocessing the Join Result

LINQ - Match case

(From d in dt1.AsEnumerable
Let c1 = d(0).ToString.ToUpper.Trim
Let chk = dt2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function (d2) d2(0).toString.ToUpper.Trim.Equals()c1)
Where not chk
Select r = d).CopyToDataTable

Handling empty result
:ambulance: :sos: [FirstAid] Handling of The source contains no DataRows exception - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

we are using any and not where as we can faster stop when first time the condition has been met



Hi @Aswini

Try using if condition

uncommonRows As IEnumerable(Of DataRow) = DT1.AsEnumerable.Except(DT2.AsEnumerable, DataRowComparer.Default)

If uncommonRows.Any()
resultDataTable As DataTable = uncommonRows.CopyToDataTable()
’ Handle the case where there are no uncommon rows

Hope this helps

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Tried this but getting below error

@Aswini can you show me the syntax you entered

@Dinesh_Guptil FYI i am getting error where there are no rows that are uncommon if DT has got any rows i am not getting error

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