How to compare two columns and find missing data in Excel

Hello Experts,

I want to compare the data in two columns of the excel. If there is mismatched data in the columns, I want to highlight the mismatched data and extract the missmatched data.
I attached the sample excel file for reference as below.
If there is any solution or workaround, please let me know. Thanks.
DataCheck_AgentComission.xlsx (60.9 KB)

Hey @Zaw_Win_Htun1,

You can read the whole datatable and convert it into a list for each column you want to compare.

Have a look on the above thread to convert col to array.

Use the secondArray.Except(firstArray) to get the unmatched records.


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Hello @Zaw_Win_Htun1

After Reading the Data from Excel use an Assign activity and use the below LinQ to get the Miss-Matched Records from it.

MissMatchDT = (From row In DT1.AsEnumerable
Where(Not row(“PDF Data”).ToString.Trim.Equals(row(“Robot Data”).ToString.Trim))
Select row).CopyToDataTable


Hope it helps, However if you’re looking for something else let us know.


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hello @rohith.prabhu Thanks for your solution. I have got the mismatched data. Actually I want to find the data that is present on the colum1 and not present on the column2. Like the following example:
Is it possible to extract that kind of data? If there is any solution for the workflow, please share with me. Best regards.

hi @Sanjit_Pal How can I convert to system.collections.enumable(of string) to datatable to wirte in excel.

@Zaw_Win_Htun1 (From x in arrVals
Select r = dtResult.Rows.Add(new Object(){x})).CopyToDataTable
use this to convert list or arr to datatable and write it in excel

Hi @Sanjit_Pal If possible, could you please share me the workflow. Best regards.

UnmatchedRecordBasedOnCol.xaml (8.9 KB)

@Zaw_Win_Htun1 , PFA the .xaml for your reference.

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Hello @Sanjit_Pal It’s the solution I need. Thanks for your effort. I really appreciate it. Best regards.

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