Hi ,
Need help in comparing data in excel , tried with lookup data table but , not gettign expected op.
pls help.
RefFile- Just to used as a reference and changes in file not required.
need this file to get the output in InOp file
InOp file - 1st sheet is ref data , and it will be in orch can be accessed curretrow(colName)
Col B and C in red is expected output
need to check sheet name ,- if it’s 11 then check DataInOrch Sheet and check for CL and MT, then goto RefFile and gpply filter to get
CL and MT and then check DT value in InOp file and DT value of RefFile, if macthes then copy wrod1 and word2 in InOp file’s B and C column
which is in red as of now…you can add in D and E column
for DT value Ent we can treat it as a sequence and can put seq match from ref , if there are no equivalent no of matches then by default put 1st match word 1 and word 2
Ent 1
Ent 2
Ent 3
Ent 4
actually even , req provider is confused but , no choice