How to close multiple instances of just one application?

Hi all

I am using the ExpenseIT app and adobe acrobat and must have about 5 of each open. How do I close all instances of just ExpenseIT and then do the same thing to adobe acrobat? I’ve seen some really good solutions for closing everything except Ui Path (like here Component To closes all Running applications that can be opened in windows, except Uipath Studio +UiRobot) but I want to keep things like my internet browsers open as I have a ton of pages open (mainly on Ui path tutorials!) I need to leave open.

Thanks in advance and for all the help so far,


hi @jordrowley

In that case, I’m using invoke PS and use taskkill command. You can kill all windows of specific application with one activity.

I hope it work.

Hi @jordrowley,
You can use kill process activity

Hi @Vashisht thank you, the Kill Process task is working for the ExpenseIT, but I can’t get it to work for Adobe. It shows as ‘Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (32bit)’ under task manager and I’ve tried various bits of the text as well as the full text and I can’t get it to work. Do you have any ideas as to why? Thank you!

Thanks @Jumbo. I’m not sure what PS is. Please can you explain? Your idea sounds good!

Jordan :slight_smile:


I mean invoke powershell.

Hi @jordrowley,

In one of my Projects I used the Kill Process and Close Application activities to close all the Adobe files open.
For Kill Process I used this name:

For Close Application I used this Selector:

Using these, all my pdf files that were open during the extraction process, were closed by the UiPath robot.


Hey Vasile using “Acrord32” in a kill process close all instances without the need for the close application :slight_smile: Thanks for the help!

Cool, I shall give it a go; thank you for the advice :slight_smile: