How To click on a button against a case after extracting the data in datatable

Hi I want to click on continue button just before a particular batch.
e.g., if bot select a batch ‘109943’ the it should click on the continue button of that batch only.

Hi @subhamsinha055

Welcome to the forums

Check the selector of the continue, So you need to check If 1086143 is there in the selector, you need to enable that
Create a variable and store that 1086143 and pass the variable to selector so that it will click on the same Continue against to the 1086143 only

Hope this may help you


Hi Srini,

i have check that but there is no detail for batch

Hi @subhamsinha055

You can try to use modern click acticity or anchor based classic activity.
Get the selector of Continue button and for the batch id you can loop thru the datatable.

Use Get Attribute to get the tableRow of the batch number, then use that value dynamically in your Continue button selector ie tableRow=‘{{batchTableRow}}’

Thank you @aditya that’s worked.
thank you @paul I applied that as well.