How to check the value is true if i having the input

i m getting all the data in the coloums as input i m have to comparer the data and check with this dt row if they are equal

ex -if row(area) = VarArea
and row (Company) =VarCompany
and row(email Address) = VarAdress

U can use filter datatable to filter the datatable accordingly with values u are provinding as input @Tharusha_Fernando


Nived N

Happy Automation

i need to get a Boolean value True or False if any of the Variable data on available in data Table

U can filter datatable for this with below condition

Filter condition

Area = VarArea
Company = VarCompany

Email Address = VarAdress

then use dt2 variable to store the output

now use if condition with condition as dt2.Rows.Count<>0

if it is true, then output true

else output false

Hope you got the logic


Nived N

Happy Automation

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hy @NIVED_NAMBIAR is getting the count as 1 always

It implies that any one of the value is matching there is row for this


i needed to check both 3 coloums are equals

Hi @Tharusha_Fernando
Then use And instead of OR condition in filter datatable activity

Hi @NIVED_NAMBIAR think im having the email address
i need to check what is the company that is equal for

You can try using filter datatable activity

Then u can use dt2.Rows(0)(“Company”).ToString to retrive the value of company corresponding to that mail

Mark it as solution if it resolves ur query


Nived N

Happy Automation

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