How to check mail responded or Not? in excel

if inbox date greater than or equal to sent date time and if also subject matched sent status column as “Yes” otherwise “No”

Hi @sathish_Kumar6

Are you trying to get from excel or from mail or a combination?

For excel read data and then use loop and check for contains in subject column,for dates you can use datediff


i have added image so could you check and reply please

Hi @sathish_Kumar6

The column name are same, So it will be like this?

If the column names are same we can’t able to Read the excel?

Can you share the Sample excel file?


Hi @sathish_Kumar6

Please follow these steps

Read your excel from first date row dont add headers

I hope the columns are in same order always
So use for each row in datatable
Then indise drag a if condition and add thw following conditions currentrow(4).tostring.contains(currentrow(1).tostring) and DateDiff(DateInterval.hours, datetime.parseexact(currentrow(0).tostring,”MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm”,system.globalization.culturalinfo.invariantculture), datetime.parseexact(currentrow(3).tostring,”MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm”,system.globalization.culturalinfo.invariantculture))>0

This will check the dates and subject .change the date format as you need or as you get in thw datatable then in true and false of if condition populate yes or no in required column


HI @sathish_Kumar6

Check out the XAML file

GreaterThanDate.xaml (9.4 KB)

Use this expression in if activity

CurrentRow(4).ToString.Trim.Contains(CurrentRow(1).ToString.Trim) And DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow(0).ToString.Trim,"ddd, dd MMM yyy HH:mm:ss K",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow(3).ToString.Trim,"ddd, dd MMM yyy HH:mm:ss K",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))>0


Book1 to forum.xlsx (9.0 KB)

Have you tried with this XAML file? @sathish_Kumar6

I ran your xaml but i got some error like this… so any suggestion on this please?

HI @sathish_Kumar6

Check out the Updated XAML file

GreaterThanDate.xaml (16.2 KB)
