DataTableSelecter.xaml (6.1 KB)
can please help to resolve the error
DataTableSelecter.xaml (6.1 KB)
can please help to resolve the error
Please give more details with screenshots what you are trying to achieve. So we can give the solution accurately.
Karthik Byggari
Do you want to add condition for these. Can you tell us more details to easily address the issue. many Thanks
Happy learning
i have create one excel file that excel i want get the birthrate how can i create condition written by them
form excel file like this
the steps involved to get the column value is
—Use a excel application scope and pass the file path as input
—inside the scope use READ RANGE activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named dt
—now use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass the above obtained variable dt as input
—inside the loop use a MESSAGE BOX activity like this
Where we could find the values getting displayed in the output panel
Or after this would you like to perform a nay specific conditional operation
If so kindly let us know
no i want get date with condition
Hi Everyone, I have a date column in my excel sheet and i want to read only those rows which date is starting from 15 till 31st of a month. Please note that the first value in my date column is not a date it has a number of this form written in it and rest of the date format is dd/mm/yyyy
Use the below steps
—Use a excel application scope and pass the file path as input
—inside the scope use READ RANGE activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named dt
—now use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass the above obtained variable dt as input
read row(“Birthdate”).ToString(“dd”) into a string dtstring
Convert string into integer by using intDate = Convert.ToInt32(dtstring)
now in intDate you will get the exact date, so you can write a cindition for checking is it greater than 15 and less than 31 then only you can read the values from excel
intDate>15 and intdate<31