Hi , When I scrap empty data table then I check it is empty or not
but it return false even if the datatable is blank
See the image
I want condition return true when dt is blank
Hi , When I scrap empty data table then I check it is empty or not
but it return false even if the datatable is blank
I want condition return true when dt is blank
Use this
dt.AsEnumerable.All(function(x) x.ItemArray.All(function(y) String.IsNullOrEmpty(y)))
I have to paste if condition?
I have paste is if condtion then get this error
A small correction
IsNothing(dt) OrElse dt.AsEnumerable.All(function(x) x.ItemArray.All(function(y) String.IsNullOrEmpty(y.ToString)))
It works!!!
thank you so much Anil
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