Hello Everyone,
Is there any way or method to find when we clicked on a button, to check whether the button clicked or not
In a website there are multiple button with same element, out of all buttons some buttons are disabled how to check which button is enabled.
Note: All the buttons (enabled and disabled) has same selector and idx id is the unique.
Indicate element in ui explorer and then on the left bottom you can see properties…there you might find a property which will tell you if the button is enabled or disabled…
Sometiems isleaf property is also used for disabling…
Or a class change would besee for disabled buttons…
Could you check the elements (enabled & disabled buttons) using the UiExplorer and compare the attributes present. In the Left Panel, we have the Property Explorer, where most probably the aastate property/attribute would be different for the two types of buttons.
Could you check and let us know if there are changes in the aastate attribute ?
Thanks for the response, yes have checked the properties in uiexplorer,
this might provide some help, there a property called visilbility which is 1 for active 0 for inactive but i was unable to get that into selector
How to use that property
Visibility is attribute is working fine but there is an exception,
There are multiple pages, one page contains all click enabled button, in one all are disabled,
the visibility attribute is working where both the types are present
Check there would eb some difference on class or other attributes as well…ideally visibility should work in both cases…but check other attributes to be more sure