3, ,5000
4,Mahesh, I wanted the output as -id is missing at row no 2, name is missing for row no 3,salary is missing for row no 4 …how to check this?
We assume Excel Data is read in with read range - dtData
Build DataTable Activity: Configure the columns: RowIndex, ColumnName - dtStatistic
Assign Activity
dtStatistic =
(From ri in Enumerable.Range(0, dtData.Rows.Count)
From ci = Enumerable.Range(0, dtData.Columns.Count)
Let v = dtData.Rows(ri)(ci)
Let chk = isNothing(v) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.ToString().Trim())
Where chk
Let ra = new Object(){ri, dtData.Columns(ci).ColumnName}
Select r = dtStatistic.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
Handling empty result we do:
[FirstAid] Handling of The source contains no DataRows exception - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
Hi @Aparna_30 ,
You can try this step range to get data table
2.for each row data
3.check if blank
you can see my input/output
my file input(sheet2)
test.xlsx (10.5 KB)
my code
sequence.xaml (15.6 KB)
you can try it
Hi @Aparna_30
=> Read Range (Read your CSV/Excel into a DataTable)
=> Use For Each Row in DataTable to loop through each row in the DataTable)
Assign rowNumber = DataTable.Rows.IndexOf(row) + 2 (DataType: System.Int32)
Assign missingFields = "" (DataType: System.String)
=> Use Else If condition
Assign missingFields = missingFields + "ID is missing at row no " + rowNumber.toString
Else if
Assign missingFields = missingFields + "name is missing at row no " + rowNumber.toString
Else if
Assign missingFields = missingFields + "Salary is missing at row no " + rowNumber.toString
Assign missingFields = missingFields + "All the data is present row no " + rowNumber.ToString
=> Use assign activity and give the below syntax:
Assign outputMessage = "For row no " + rowNumber + ", " + missingFields
=> Print the outputMessage variable in message box.
Refer the image for better understanding
Hope it helps!!
Hello @Aparna_30
- Read Excel Data:
- Use “Excel Read Range” to read data into a DataTable.
- Loop through Rows:
- Iterate through each row in the DataTable.
- Check and Output Missing Values:
- For each row, use conditional checks (
) to identify missing values in columns (Id, Name, Salary). - Output a message indicating missing values and row number.
Thanks & Cheers!!!