I wnated to check the license key used in a system where Uipath is installed with attended Bot license and no Orchestrator.
Thanks in advance.
Dasharath ND
I wnated to check the license key used in a system where Uipath is installed with attended Bot license and no Orchestrator.
Thanks in advance.
Dasharath ND
Hi @dasharath.nd,
To check the license key you have access uipath.licensetool.exe using command prompt. And then you request for license key by passing command as
C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiPath.LicenseTool.exe info
It displays information about the license…
you can refer the documentation below
LicenseTool Command Descriptions (uipath.com)
Thank you.
Were you able to get it??
Yes…I got the info
Good to hear that!!
Please mark about post as a solution,so it helps other developer to get the required info quickly!!
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