My excel file have this table…
I want office number means (1 or 5) out when any User id is from column name (User ID 1, User ID 2, User ID 3)
like if the User id (envoirement.username) is any of (BT4, KS8, RH2) then i want to get 2 out…
Same if user ID (ASG6 or KLF4) then i want DP out
How can i do that?
I want to add this office number into a Excel file name when i generate Excel file for the first time user start the Robot… and only for the first time…
And when 2nd time user start robot then it would use the same file which created first time if user is matched from office 2…
how can i do excel part. can someone help
And is it a good solutions and good approach or not…