How to change the time at which a trigger detects an item in the queue

Hi all,
I have a transactional job that do something and in some cases it would postpone a transaction to now.AddMinute(15), i want that the new job start after 15 minutes but i am facing an issue with the orchestrator triggering.

I create a trigger for the queue with the item postponed but the trigger start the job every 30 minutes, i need every 15 minutes, is possible to change this value?



When postponed…by default UiPath checks the queue after 30 minutes…for new you wont have that issue…but for postponed…it can take at max of 30 minutes and we cannot change that in cloud orchestrator


Tenant → Settings → General.

Edit: Docs about this setting:
Orchestrator - Settings -

We have on-premises orchestrator

The only topic that i found on ‘General’ is ‘Application Settings’ (about languages), ’ Personal Workspaces’, ’ Standard Roles’ and ‘Modern Folders’

Does the option to change the frequency is not present in Orchestrator 2021.4.0?

Oh, in that case I think you would need to configure it from the Orchestrator server. Have a look on this Changing The Queue.ProcessActivationSchedule Value Is Not Working For Queue Triggers - News / Knowledge Base - UiPath Community Forum - This could be helpful as well: Orchestrator - UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config -