Not able to call HSQDB stored procedure in Execute query/Execute not query.
While Executing below error comes
Not able to call HSQDB stored procedure in Execute query/Execute not query.
While Executing below error comes
Can I have view one parameter collections if any passed
Is yet connection validated buddy
Like did we check whether the connection ion is been made with the server
You can check the connection with Connection Wizard and there with Test Connectivity option
Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet
yes checked the connection, it’s working as expected.
tryied with select * from table query it also worked
Is the procedure mentioned correctly buddy
Because we have checked all the other stuffs
Storedprocudure enabled
Tested connectivity
call test_procedure(); this executes in backend as expected.
The same procedure name “test_procedure” have given in UiPath activity.
Is UIPATH execute/execute non query activity only depends specific database(i.e SQL SERVER, MYSQL, ORACLE) only? Why because here i am using HSQLDB
Hmm not really
We got options to choose the database type na and moreover ours got successfully connected
If there is any such issue then it would have not connected
Try mentioning dbname and schema name before the procedure and run
I remember I saw a similar issue two three days back
Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet
I have one last approach to try
Usually we use to have a statement in server to call a procedure right
Use the same text here and change the command type to TEXT instead of Stored Procedure
Is other statements like select update are working fine @Tamilarasanaccet
yes bro other statement are working.
So the connection is working fine
Hmm but then how procedure alone not working
Can you click on the Details drop down in the error pop up and let’s see what is the error
What is the outcome of this procedure and are we running in execute query or execute non query activity
select all the data from the table (select * from table_name).
Execute query activity is used.
may I know how you connect HSQLDB to uipath?
Two years and a half… Has anyone found a solution for this?