i was trying to calculae rank according to the percentage of the students
for eg
90.66 = 2
97.80 = 1
88.90 = 3
88.66 =4
and so on
here is my
Marksheet Updation.zip (16.8 KB)
i was trying to calculae rank according to the percentage of the students
for eg
90.66 = 2
97.80 = 1
88.90 = 3
88.66 =4
and so on
here is my
Marksheet Updation.zip (16.8 KB)
Hi @indiedev91
Checkout this Xaml ands output file
Main.xaml (52.1 KB)
Marksheet Data.xlsx (15.2 KB)
No Ranks will be provided for the students who have failed in any one subject too right so i have added “NA” for that
thanks it is working but if there is a simple solution please let me know , becuse i didnt understand it what is going on here
Okay so nothing complicated here @indiedev91
In this assign i’m sorting the Obtained Marks in descending order with this expression
dataoutput.AsEnumerable.OrderByDescending(Function(x)CDbl(x("Obtained marks").ToString)).CopyToDatatable
Looping through each and every row of the datatable dataOutput
How this will work is like
You know that row index will start from 0 so i have added rank +1 to get the correct rank
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