How to bind data from a data table column from a workflow to a table column in uipath apps

Hi all.

I have a UiPath workflow that has an out argument which is a data table with 3 columns.
I am building a UiPath app and I have a table with columns as well.
How do I display the data table from my workflow in my table in UiPath apps.

I am working with the new Apps version, not legacy.

I would appreciate any help.

Kind regards

Hi @Loveness01,
you can watch this video i think it will help you in your question this video will show you how to view data table in you apps and for link your work flow or process into apps first you need to publish and create this process into orcastrator then from UiPath just link this process into your apps like below screen

Please try and update us if you still face issue.

Thank you for your response.

In this video, he is working with the old version of Apps which is in Legacy. I am using the new version which is completely different from this. The new version doesn’t show the column names at all.

please visit below URL I believe this will help you and it contains short gif demo for your question
this example act on data services.

@Loveness01 ,

Please follow below steps.

  1. Develop Process and return data table as out argument.
  2. Deploy Process and test it from orchestrator first.
  3. Create apps
  4. Go to Apps and Add Process
  5. Call Process on Page Initialization
  6. Go to table and go to Data source
  7. Map data source with Process.outputargument
