How to avoid overwriting the data in to textfile

Hello, I want to write the sample data into a text file. When I am trying to write the data into textfile it is overwriting the data which leads to erasing of existing data which is already in the textfile.

I am using “Write text File” activity

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance

Hi @NikhilRPA

Once try using Append Text Activity

Mark as solution and like it if this helps you :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:


Hi @Pratik_Wavhal I cannot see any activity with the name " Append Text"

There is Append to CSV and Append Range, Append Line.

Which one should i use?

@Pratik_Wavhal I think i need to use “Append line” problem solved and Thank you for help :slight_smile:

Hi @NikhilRPA

Yeah. Bymistakely i typed Append Text Activity.

Actually i was also saying Append Line only.

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:


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