How to auto upgarde uipath offical libraries packages

Hi All,

Good day.
I wanted to know if there is a way where uipath official libraries auto reflect with new version whenever is available in uipath orchestrator.

I am using uipath studio version 2021.10.8 which contains all latest version of activities like uipath. system, uipath.excel, uiautomation, web, mail etc

But in orchestrator all these pacakges like 2 years old even i have latest version on uipath orchestrator 2021.10.4 And when unattended bots run its failed due to missing latest version of libraries.

Note :We are uipath on-prem orchestrator

  1. How i can always get the latest verison of all uipath libraries in orchestrator?
  2. We have like 10000+ VDE so manually upgrade unattended VDE or adding new nuget. Packages not possible and I don’t wanna do that.
  3. Need an automated solution

Thank you

Hey @daljit_parmar

When you upgrade your on-prem orchestrator the latest packages should be available !

Hope this helps.


No, it didnt auto update.
is there any setting that has to configure before initiate the orch. update?
check image

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I guess @daljit_parmar during the initial installation or upgrade it will ask if you want to install the all nuget packages as well.

No i didn’t see any opation

Okay @daljit_parmar

Then you may need to do a manual copy paste to the UiPath Orchestrator installed dir >Storage
