How to append two different excel sheet data into one file

hello ,

i have total 40 excel files.
each file has user tab and data.
i want to append all data as one excel file.
for example
i have 2 excel files
1 st file

2 nd file

output i need

help me on same

Hi Mathar,

I would read all excel files to datatables (Activities - Read Range), merge the datatables internally (Activities - Merge Data Table) & then create a new excel file for the merged datatable.

If all files are simular you can probably get away with putting it in a file loop

Hi @Mathkar_kunal

→ Store all the Excel File Paths in a List. Iterate with For each.
→ Inside For each use the Read range workbook activity to read the file and store in a datatable.
→ After that use the merge datatable activity to merge into single datatable.
→ After for each insert an write range workbook activity to write the merged datatable to output excel.

Hope it helps!!

could you pleaese expai me1] Store all the Excel File Paths in a List. Iterate with For each.
this point only with i wil do.
how to do with list i want to know

could you please provide me workflow.

You can use for each file if it’s all in one folder.
If you have different path’s indeed just create an array with

{“filpath1”, “filepath2”} etc…

And then use for each