dt.Select(“ColumnC=‘Open’”).ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(“ColumnA”)= row(“ColumnA”))
when i try to append some string value in " row(“ColumnA”)) " it is not accepting to append string . kindly help me
dt.Select(“ColumnC=‘Open’”).ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(“ColumnA”)= row(“ColumnA”))
when i try to append some string value in " row(“ColumnA”)) " it is not accepting to append string . kindly help me
Hi @Aravinthan,
What is the error you are getting?
Do these steps instead…
Copy the required items to a new datatable as dtNew = dt.select(‘ColumnC’ = ‘Open’).CopyToDataTable()
Loop using for each row activity and get the required value as row(“ColumnA”)
Use assign activity to assign to the linq string as LinqVariable = row(“ColumnA”)
For eg:
iam filtering columnC as “Open” and filter all the 100 rows in below query and update the 100 rows as"test" in columnA and my prob is i need to append new string with the ColumnA
dt.Select(“ColumnC=‘Open’”).ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(“ColumnA”)= “test”
So, if your column A value is lets say “Dummy”, you want to update it as “Dummy test”…
Am i right?
yes absolutely without looping bcz linq query is working but i cant append any value like shown below it showing error kindly help bro
dt.Select(“ColumnC=‘Open’”).ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(“ColumnA”)=“test”+ row(“ColumnA”))
Linq is for filtering rather than updating , still you can use the select method to do minor assigning action.
(From x As datarow In DT Where x("ColumnC").ToString.Equals("Open") Select DT_test.clone().rows.Add({x("ColumnA").ToString+"_test",x("ColumnB"),x("ColumnC")})).copytodatatable
Note: To do the query in this way , column name should be static.
Thanks guys … I have done with string.Format…
dt.Select(“ColumnC=‘Open’”).ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(“ColumnA”)=String.Format(“{0}.09” , row(“ColumnA”).ToString))
Check this xaml. Test.zip (10.5 KB)
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