How to answer these interview questions..?

Hello Can anyone share some idea of how to answer the following questions

  1. How do you trigger bots from each other if my first bot is complete i need to trigger the other bot on another server if that is complete i want trigger the bot on first server.
  2. How do you handle Excel with over 1 million rows. If i want to color grade rows in this excel how will i do it & which activites i will use?
  3. If i have 10 bots on running on the single queue how to handle which one will send the last report. It can happen couple of bots will end at a exact time. ?
  4. Why do we have action center why can’t we just use the attended bot?
  5. How to use the object repository in classic commands.?

It will be really helpful if great mind in the community can share some thoughts on these questions.

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Hey @Raj_Missal

  1. When the first bot completes its task, it can call the Orchestrator API to start a job on the second bot.
    You can also use queue and set trigger to this queue - When the first bot completes, it adds a queue item indicating that the second bot should start.
  2. To handle an Excel file with over 1 million rows, you can split the large file into smaller parts by reading and writing chunks of data using Excel Application Scope and Read Range activities, then process each part individually.
    For color grading rows, iterate through each part, apply the desired color using the Set Range Color activity, and then save the changes.
  3. You can use check status of the queue items to determine if all items are processed. Good idea will be to use a lock mechanism (e.g. database entry, file) to ensure only one bot can send the report.
  4. Action Center provides a central platform for users to interact with tasks assigned by unattended bots, improving the user experience and efficiency.
    It provides a structured way to manage and track tasks that require human action.
  5. Studio - About Object Repository