How to add the date and time in my end of day report file?

Hi everyone,

So i built a framework with a reporter process that will get all the transactions at the end of the day, but I need the Excel file to have the date and time (ex. YYYY-MM-DD-THH_MM_SS-EODReport.xlsx) in this format.

I have a build report workflow, and am passing an argument for the file path.

When i run my file, it successfully generates the file but it only generates it as “EODReport.xlsx”. Is there anything i can do?

Hi @dylanTana

This what you are doing


Instead concatenate the different Strings


Or use Path.Combine



@dylanTana get full folder path in veriable.
then right
Folderpath+“back slash symbol”+DateTime.Now.ToString(“yyyyMMddHHmmss”)+In_Config(“OrchestratorQueueName”).ToString

string.format is used when we are trying to add string specific place and you are not mentioning that place


In_Config(“X_ReportPath”).ToString in combination with Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
makes some doubts

Also we are using Stringformat in that way
String.Format(“ABC {0}”, VarNameOrValue) where {0} tells us the replacement position of the first variable

To go ahead, debug and use the immediate panel for the prototyping

We would also suggest to use the Path.Combine method

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That’s because String.Format is a fancy Replace. It takes the first parameter (your X_ReportPath) and then replaces {0} {1} etc values with the remaining parameters. But you don’t have any {0} {1} etc in your X_ReportPath so there’s nothing to replace and it just spits back out X_ReportPath.

As others have said, use Path.Combine instead of String.Format.

As an example…

String.Format(“Hello {0}”,“World”)

…will return…

Hello World


…will return…


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It’s much better to use Path.Combine that concatenating them all manually using +

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Thank you so much everyone for your help!!!

So i tried Path.Combine; however, my new issue is now when it tries to Write Range, I’m getting error that the extension isn’t supported.

I’m referencing my argument (In_ReportPath) which has the above value:


(I updated it to:
Path.Combine(In_Config("X_ReportPath).tostring, DateTime.Now.ToString(“yyyyMMddHHmmss”))

the Parts from filename missing - we refer to above

Path.Combine(In_Config("X_ReportPath).tostring, DateTime.Now.ToString(“yyyyMMddHHmmss”) & “-EODReport.csv”)

But we should not missmatch Excel and CSV.

Excel we are writing with the provided activities e.g. write range, append range
CSV we do write the the CSV related activities e.g. write CSV file or doinng it on text file base

Sorry about that! edited my initial post to reflect “xlsx”, not using csv.

for the X_ReportPath, it has: “folder name\ -EODReport.xlsx”

share your last statement whenever you cannot fix it by your own by prototying the file name within the immediate panel during a debug run and get paused by a breakpoint.

That will result in…


You don’t use Path.Combine to build the filename. You use it to combine the final filename with the rest of the path. So you need an assign to set the filename:

myfile = “EODReport” + Now.ToString(“MMddyyyy”) + “.xlsx”



to get something like…


The point to Path.Combine is to make sure the \ are added correctly. Consider you have the following variables:

myPath = “C:\temp”
myFile = “somefile.xlsx”

If you just do myPath + myFile you end up with…


But Path.Combine(myPath,myFile) avoids that and gives you the correct “C:\temp\somefile.xlsx”

It’s very useful when you need to combine multiple things into a path, like…


That’ll give you the correct path of "C:\Users\JDOE\Downloads"


Thank you so much!!!Thanks everyone!!!

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