How to Add single quotes to string

Hi All,

I want to pass database output with single quotes to query how to do that.
I am converting database out to list and writing in text file with comma separated i want to add single quotes as well.Below is my output
Expecting as ‘182390141’,‘182390138’,‘182390150’,‘182390554’,‘182390552’,‘182389990’

Can some one help me on this

ExecuteQueryCod_Dn_table.xaml (7.1 KB)


Can you try the following expression?

out_FiterString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(out_FiterString,"\d+",function(m) "'"+m.Value+"'")



I am unable to open your xaml file, you can add project.json file too

That will easy for others to open your project file

Check below as you need like below

Hope this helps you



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