Read both dt as f.ex. dt_1 and dt_2. Next place for each row in dt_1. Inside place filter data table and as datatable in place dt2 and output as new variable dt_check. In filter option place 0,1,2 in column and value row(0).toString, row(1).toString,row(2).toString (assuming that all columns are string type)
After that place if:
This solution should check and write result in Flag column 1 by 1
In both dt you have the same column. In dt_1 you have flag column to fill with some values?
if so then change order - you want to work and have result in dt 1 so in for each row u can get and write data and also use other datatables if they were created before for each row.
So in that case you should try my solution as I wrote above
In for each row DT1 u take values from that dt, search it in dt_2 with filter data table and gives result to technical dt_check. If dt_check has values it means dt_2 had those row inside so if statement will write “check” to column 4 (row(3)) with value “check”. if not it can leave it empty:
based on the evaluation / postprocessing of the join result you can create the target datatable having the matched/not matched information.
Here e.g. a LINQ can help. The matched / not matched information can be retrived by checking the join column from right side table if it is null or not
Kindly check the attached excel file: Book2.xlsx (14.7 KB)
DT2 table will check for each row in the DT1 table
If DT2 found a row in the DT1 table then, the bot wants to write “check” in the Flag column of DT1 table in fron of the matching row