Hello wonderful people,
How do I add items into a array of strings or any other data type?
Thanks for the help
Hello wonderful people,
How do I add items into a array of strings or any other data type?
Thanks for the help
The below link can help for
Hi @cody.barber,
Try using an assign activity…
Example 1:
yourStringArray = yourStringArray.Concat({“newItem”}).ToArray
Example 2:
yourIntArray = yourIntArray.Concat({10}).ToArray
Thank you.
Thanks for the help
As a workaround you can convert an array to list, add as many items as you need and then eventually convert it back to the Array.
Array to list:
yourList = yourArray.ToList()
List to Array:
yourArray = yourList.ToArray()
When the default value for your Array is “new string(){}”. Assigning values to your array using arrayname.concat({item}).ToArray makes the array size dynamic.
Thank You . I was not putting a default value their
Although posting examples are great, the download and follow along post…
How can I add an array Item in 2D array?
This not works
Also, I want the 2D array Initialize like this
2Darray = new string(15)(4){}
It not works too
This one works to add Array in 2D array.
If you work with dynamic sized collection then use list. If you have fixed size collection then use arrays.
But make sure that the Array was initialized, or you will have parameter null error. Just add default value in variable list.
The way you add items to an array depends on the programming language you are using. Here are some examples for a few popular programming languages:
In JavaScript: You can add items to an array using the push() method:
bashCopy code
let myArray = ["apple", "banana"];
console.log(myArray); // ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
In Python: You can add items to a list using the append() method:
scssCopy code
myList = ["apple", "banana"]
print(myList) # ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
In Java: You can add items to an ArrayList using the add() method:
csharpCopy code
ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println(myList); // ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
In C#: You can add items to a List using the Add() method:
mathematicaCopy code
List<string> myList = new List<string>();
Console.WriteLine(myList); // ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
Thank you, it works for me