Add value in existing array

Hi team,
I need help i have one array Eg. ARY1={“Pramod”,“sharma”} and in these pramod is holding passion 0 and sharma is holding passion 1 so i want to add one more string “name” in the same array so the final array will like ARY1= {“Name”,“Pramod”, “Sharma”} and key like 0,1,2

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Hi @Pramod_Sharma

You can add the element to array by first converting to list then add element using Add to Collections activitiy and then convert to array

I am not concept of key usage here
Can u explain clearly that part


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:


You can check below post as well

in case of elements has to add to a collection the list datatype suits better for this task as an array does.

However you can do following:

in your case: yourArrayVar.Append(“YourValue”).toArray

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