when i add date information in google form from excel file it add only year and shows invalid date .pls help me what to do?
Try this:
Date.ParseExact(setdate, “dd/MM/yyyy”, Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)
we have to declare set variable?
Setvariable is the input variable .
leave that issue.pls help me in another issue.i want to record the status of the data uploaded in forms that are successful or not. how to do that?
Hi @guptasweb
Can you explain little bit more about your query with the screenshot?
How do you define the uploaded data are successful or not?
If you need to get the successful record in the column try this expression
DtMaster.AsEnumerable.Select (Function(x) x("ColumnNameOrIndex").ToString.Trim.Equals("successful ")).toarray()
listen i have to add the data on 10 google forms from input file ,if all the data are successfully submit then in output file i have to write the status whether file is successfully submit or if not then fail
HI @guptasweb
Look into the workflow
You need to find tune the selector
GoogleformAddingStatus.xaml (19.1 KB)
what is tune selector??
Just indicate the screen with your Google forms @guptasweb
still got an error
Share the error screenshot @guptasweb
Share the error message @guptasweb
faulty msg
Share the Input and Google forms here, I will share you the XAML file @guptasweb